Construction Project at 35 South Avenue, Enderlin Fire Station
Public Notification of Changes to Traffic Flow and Parking
The North East Joint Fire District wishes to notify the public about a construction project at the Enderlin Station, 35 South Avenue in the Village of Webster, that will impact traffic flow at and around the firehouse.
The NEJFD is replacing the structural retaining wall on the south side of the firehouse. The project is starting on Thursday, March 27, 2025. Construction site security fencing will be installed around the perimeter of the site. This will require making the driveway on the south side of the firehouse a one-way travel lane during the project.
During the project, traffic will be allowed one-way only, from South Avenue west into the rear Village of Webster parking areas. There will be no parking allowed on the south side of the firehouse. Traffic must exit the Village parking lots by either exiting Corning Park near Sunoco or exiting to West Main Street near the Village Hall. Detour signs will be posted. There will also be a portion of the Village parking lot cordoned off for the staging of construction materials and equipment. Completion of the project is expected to take 5 to 6 weeks. Thank you for your patience and understanding during the important construction project. |